Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Airline And International Airlines - 1120 Words

Before 1985, Dubai was primarily served by Gulf air. Gulf air was based out of Bahrain, a neighbouring country. It was struggling financially and began to cut back its flights to Dubai. This presented a dire need, we saw an opportunity and ceased it with utter determination and an outstanding vision. As a result, Dubai’s government started the airline in 1985(McGinley,2010). The airline started with two aircrafts, which were leased by Pakistan International Airlines(PIA). PIA took administrative and its flight crew training responsibilities for Fly Emirates for the first few years of its operations(McGinley,2010). Fly Emirates began to expand. In 1990, it was the world fastest growing airline(Heasley,2010) Since its†¦show more content†¦4 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND CURRENT ECONOMIC STANDING Any investor’s goal is to choice wisely given the uncertain economic times which many are facing in the aviation industry. Emirates would be a prosperous investment for you! Emirates group provides an astronomical array of services which have stood the test of time. Although we are primarily engaged in the endowment of commercial services, our operations extends far beyond that realm. Through our commercial operations; we offer in flight catering from some of the world’s best cuisine providers. Our commercial air operations services are encompassed of passenger, freight and postal carriage transportation(Emirates Group,2015). Unlike most airlines, we are always expanding our knowledge and expertise to evolve our corporation and its financial success. Hence, we are actively engaged in, â€Å" wholesale and retail 5 of consumer goods, food, and beverage operations; hotel operations; and in-flight and institutional catering businesses(Emirates Group,2015).† Our exceptional services don’t just end there! We are totally dedicated to providing our customers and staff with a secure and safe working environment, this is achieved by having an outstanding security program. This was highlighted by a recent survey conducted by A reputable website in the aviation industry, they monitored 407 airlines and gave a rating out of 7 for

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